Male Enhancement Scams

Male enhancement pills have become very popular over the years since their discovery. The pill is the go to product for men who want to enlarge their penis size or experience sexual dysfunctions such as an erectile dysfunction. There have been several different pills hitting the market, some that claim to be able to do extraordinary things. Most of these are false and have no scientific background to the claims. The problem with this is that men are swallowing pills that may have harmful chemicals included that may make them ill and most of the time the product does not work.

Most of pills hitting the market, making claims that seem too good to be true, are fake. Here is a list of scams which even have dangeorus ingredients.

The companies or people behind the pill have created a product that they deem to be able to change a male’s sex life for the better, assuring that there is no erectile dysfunction. These scammers take men who are desperate for anything to help with their problem and the companies pray on these men. It’s incredibly insensitive and can leave people spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in these products that will not work, only to find out they are not even able to get a refund. There have been several major scams in recent years, there are even claims that some are still active.

The companies that try and sell these faulty products use unethical marketing tactics targeting men who are desperate for anything to help them with their sexual dysfunction. It is incredibly inappropriate, rude, and disgusting. The FDA, the U.S Food and Drugs Administration, constantly perform research on the new pills and creams that hit the market and test for dangerous ingredients added into the pills. The administration says that the products will usually be sold as over-the-counter products, usually not sold at actual pharmacies since they have not actually been tested by the FDA.

Many of the companies have faced legal lawsuits for false marketing and advertising of the products and some are facing lawsuits for improper labelling of the ingredients.

Some of the companies will even print ingredients known to be in pills such as Viagra, to make them seem trusted. When in reality, the pills produced by the scammers contain little or none of the ingredients and may include harmful substitutes.

There are several ways to see that most male enhancement products are fake and scam. It requires that the consumer do proper research on any enhancement product before purchase because the product may be dangerous to consume and may just not work.

1. Ineffective or Harmful Ingredients

Many of the ingredients put into the scam products will not enhance male sexual performance in any such way.Most of the fake products will say that such and such ingredient is included when in reality it actually is not.

Besides, even if the product does contain “viagra” or other potent ingredients, that increases the potential chances of the products being risky or dangerous to consume for most buyers. (The main ingredient in Viagra, a trusted pill for male erectile dysfunction, is sildenafil, used for treatment of male erectile dysfunction but is only available with a prescription form a doctor.)

A recent product called, “Herbal Vigor Quick Fix”, contains an FDA tested drug called tadalafil. The drug can cause negative effects in men with diabetes or any of blood related illness lowering blood pressure. The drug is approved by the FDA but the product itself is sold online on sketchy websites is not provided by any pharmacists.

Even though the ingredient, tadalafil, is approved by the FDA and is included in Cialis, the product itself has been proven to be harmful. There are no danger labels on the packaging and the product is not provided by a trusted pharmacist. This is where the importance of performing research becomes very important.

2. Highly Unethical Marketing Techniques

When someone is desperate to make something change, especially involving someones sexual life, they are willing to do and take anything. Companies take advantage of these men who find themselves looking for something to help maintain their sex lives by putting together a non-working pill and promoting it with powerful slogans like “will work instantly”, “suffer from erectile dysfunction? Worry no more!”. Such slogans work wonders on people who are desperate for anything and companies take advantage of this. The marketing is seen as unethical, which it is, because they constantly target men with such problems and make it seem like a miracle product. The techniques work, unfortunately.

The companies also make ridiculous claims like a man’s penis will grow by three or five inches in weeks, and so much more. The claims are clearly false as they are unrealistic, but men seem to fall for it.

Some of the companies also open up their own review sites, where all the reviews will seem positive, with one or two negative reviews that are all very fake. The reviews will make the product seem as though they truly do work. The company has writers write the reviews pretending to be real people.

As for the company website, they will likely hire professionals to make the websites to make it look like they are legit and well maintained. This is just the fake front they set up to lure in the potential clients. It is false advertisement and it is illegal. Falling for such scams can leave people losing money very quickly. Performing research, and exploring the official FDA website is very important when it comes to male enhancement pills.

3. Irresponsible and Inadequate Staff

The staff for these companies will likely seem to be real people, they are. Only they are to play the role of real support staff. They are in no way there to actually help clients with anything. They will not want to help, they will provide unclear answers, and may not even answer anything at all. With products like male enhancement pills that are actual scams, clients will likely want a refund after spending hundreds of dollars on a product they were promised would work. The company would “say” there is a money back guarantee when in reality there is none. The company will keep your money and continuously take money out of your credit card if the product is on a recurring trial. This is how scams work and this is why they work.

Scam companies will not provide clients with any support, they will be incredibly irresponsible and plainly just not do their job.

List of Known Male enhancement Pills Scams

There is a list of known male enhancement scams that the FDA have sent out alerts for. Some of the most well known are in this list and have been known to be very popular among men with sexual dysfunctions and use major promotional methods to get the product selling. These companies will have websites that customers will find upon a simple Google search that will appear legitimate, don’t be fooled as they are not. Here are 2 products on that list:

Enzyte: Upon a simple Google search of “Enzyte Scam”, users will discover several pages claiming the product is a scam and how to get their money back. The free trial is fake as they automatically enroll the customers on the monthly subscription which costs approximately $40. The company will charge every time they send the customer the product adding the money up and make it very difficult for the average consumer to get a refund. The owner of Enzyte business got 25 years as prison sentence.

Extagen: Extagen has had some cases of the product actually working as it does contain similar ingredients to that of Viagra. But the product has not actually been approved by the FDA and is said to not be trusted. The company offers a money back guarantee but upon simple Google searches, potential buyers will realize that many don’t get any money back.

There are several more of these types of scams that have been reviewed and stopped yet some are still hitting the market. It is important for men to understand that even if they are desperate for a cheap and effective way to increase sexual performance and fix erectile dysfunction, Viagra and Cialis are two of the most trusted and FDA approved pills there are. These scams over promote and use slogans that overly appeal to people, which should be the initial red flag. It is important in speaking to a doctor about the dysfunction and getting a recommended pill, such as Viagra or Cialis. Research is also very important so that clients can avoid scams and avoid losing money.